A few things


Hi guys,

Love the site, and I'm working bit by bit on edits. I can send you more money and I know you want to wrap this project up. A few questions that maybe merit a conference call since it may be quicker to talk through things:

How does one add links to pages within the website?  E.g., I want a text hyperlink to the Contact page in the  About section. Do I use http://naturalism.justmagicdesign.com/contact as the link?

Is it possible to change "What is Naturalism?" in the main nav bar to "Worldview Naturalism"  And is that something I could do or something I should leave to you?

Just to see what it looks like, can we try eliminating the green top and bottom background for the navigation bars and just have it be the image, with the navigation links floating over it?

Is it possible to have a What's New or Recently Added type feature?

I've got a bunch of other small-ish editing issues as well but it might be easier to go through them by phone. 





Hi Tom, thanks for being in touch! Hopefully you will automatically get an email that I've commented on your issue. (I'll manually send you a quick email pointing to this comment just in case in you don't.) 1) I'll update documentation with some more editing tips, including how to add a link 2) I'll take away the green bars for the menu items and you can decide what you think. 3) We can change "What Is Naturalism?" to "Worldview Naturalism". It's best to have us do this for you, I think. If for some reason I run into an issue here I'll let you know. 4) It is possible to add What's New block. Would you want this on the front page? My only concern with that is that there may not be enough room. It would be easy to show the last few (say, 5) Articles/Book Reviews/Talks added. 5) Definitely we can schedule a conference call! I am actually booked up in the evenings a lot over the next two weeks but I am available the evenings May 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14. Hopefully one of those will work for all three of us. I'll start working on items 1 - 3.
Items 1 - 3 are done. 1) Doc is updated with how to add a link 2) I took away the green bars for the menu items. I miss the green. What do you think? It's your website. :-) 3) Changed "What Is Naturalism?" to "Worldview Naturalism".
I've also removed the line underneath the breadcrumbs, adjusted the space above the page title, and added a "What's New" area on the front page with links to the 3 most recently posted articles/talks/book reviews.
Hello, Tom and Jen. I am busy May 6 but I could do May 7, 8, 11, 13 or 14.
Thanks for all the responses above and making the changes. I like the new look and was wondering if we can find images for the home page and worldview naturalism page that are as nice as the ones on the other main pages (I think you had the large, cut-off logo spiral for the latter page at one point) . Also, not sure if it's possible, but having a fade to white in the left hand third or half of the banner, (fading to the left) might be a nice effect. Can we talk May 7 at 8 pm? Meanwhile I'll try to get more editing done. I was having issues getting the text all the same size and line spacing the same in certain sections, e.g., the body text at http://naturalism.justmagicdesign.com/applied-naturalism/criminal-justic.... Probabably something about choosing styles. Any suggestions? thanks!
Hi Tom, thanks for being in touch. 1) The large, cut-off logo spiral is back on the Worldview Naturalism page... I never meant it to disappear, it was a side effect of changing that page's name. We tried it for the home page, too, but it seemed overwhelming for that page and we wanted the focus to be on Naturalism.Org, not the logo. If you find an image you would like to use for the home page, let us know and we will put it in. It will need to be available via something like Creative Commons license. We often go to Flickr and restrict our searches there for items which have a CC license. 2) May 7 at 8 PM is OK with me and I have it on my calendar. 3) Re getting all the text the same size and line spacing: Do not set the font size and line spacing in the editor. We are setting the font size and line spacing in the CSS code which determines the look & feel for the entire site. By using the CSS, we are ensuring that there is consistency across the site. If you run into font size & line spacing problems and you haven't set them in the editor, let us know. Using the highlighted class for text will make the font size bigger, so don't use that unless you want the text to be larger. I went to the page you referred to and removed extraneous font sizing & line spacing. You also had a whole paragraph set to the highlighted class so that looked larger than everything else and I removed that class as well. 4) I'll update the doc. with this info from #3.
I've updated the documentation. I also tweaked the way the dropdown menus appear... let me know what you think. I think it hangs together a bit more than what we just had. I'm working on the fade to white on the left of the header.
Just finished updating the header so that it fades to white on the left. Let me know what you think.
Nice, just what I was hoping for. I'll look around for an image for the home page as you suggested. Thanks!
1) Updated the Editing Tips part of the documentation to include some information on the Styles dropdown of the WYSIWYG editor. 2) At our meeting we should prob. review creating/editing Articles, etc., re using the tools that we've provided to provide consistency across the website. (e.g. use Intro section instead having it that text in the Body). Prob. should have more explicit documentation on this point.